Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Volunteers Needed in London

The Architectural Conservancy of Ontario with the help of the Heritage Resources Centre (HRC) is beginning the second phase of a province wide study of Heritage Conservation Districts. 

During this phase of the project we will be looking at the East Woodfield
and Bishop Hellmuth Heritage Conservation Districts in London, Ontario. 

A large part of the study is door-to-door surveys  completed by  volunteers.
Volunteers are provided with a half-hour  orientation and are then given a
list of addresses to survey with a partner. Based on the last study it
usually took volunteers two trips to the area of about an hour. So a total
of two hours over a period of a few weeks.

The London Volunteer orientation will be held on Thursday April 12th at 4:30pm.

The location is the Downtown London Public Library, on Dundas Street between Clarence and Wellington, south side. The room is called the 'literacy lounge'.

If you would like to volunteer with the project please e-mail Kayla Jonas, project coordinator at kajonas(at) 

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